SECURITYsense Testimonials.
Corporate security directors, CSOs, CISOs, and Information Security Managers from companies across the U.S. share how SECURITYsense provides them with a flexible, cost-effective employee security awareness training and education program.
"Over the past year or so we've made significant progress with our awareness program. SECURITYsense has been a significant part of making those inroads, contributing to a doubling of activity on our corporate Intranet's security page."
Nigel Richardson
Director of Corporate Security
Nortel Networks
"We view security awareness as a ‘product’ that we must ‘sell’ to employees. Our employees are inundated with on-line information that competes for their attention. We find that the format, style, and content of SECURITYsense captures employees’ attention and increases the likelihood that the employee will read our security articles."
Ray Hankinson
Corporate Security Specialist
The Mitre Corporation
"With so many competing priorities, it can sometimes be a challenge to find the time to pull together security awareness materials for our employees. SECURITYsense makes it easy for us to distribute effective information articles on important topics, allowing us to invest that saved time into other areas."
Adam Holland
Information Security Manager
Verizon Wireless
"Very cost-effective. SECURITYsense helps us generate and maintain our employees' interest in security issues without having to spend the hours and hours it would take to pull together this kind of valuable information ourselves. SECURITYsense has been a staple in our overall security education program."
John Petzel
Security Services Manager
Pratt & Whitney
NSI’s SECURITYsense employee awareness education and training program gives employees the tools and information they need to make security second nature.