Frequently Asked Questions about EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION.
Don’t see your question answered here? Feel free to call us at 508-533-9099 or send email to ESC@nsi.org.
Q. What are my options for distributing the EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION?
A. The publication is delivered via PDF enabling you to easily and economically distribute it to employees via email or Intranet or by printing and distributing hard copies.
When you distribute via email, you can create a “briefing” record by requesting a “return e-mail receipt” from employees on your list verifying that they received the quarterly awareness “briefing.” Such a record could come in handy if a breach results in employee finger-pointing at security for not keeping them informed about critical issues.
Q. Can I customize the publication with my organization’s logo?
A. You may customize EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION by placing your corporate/organization logo in the space provided on the publication’s front page. Customization helps underscore management’s support for security. Simple instructions on how to do this are included with every issue.
Q. Do I have the ability to edit/add content to the publication?
A. Yes, you may edit the content to best meet your needs. If you wish to add specific announcements, security messages or links to your policy and procedures, you can easily add another page to the publication. Subscribers typically use this additional page to announce upcoming inspections, important security reminders and Security Department contact information.
Q. What is the publication schedule?
A. EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION is delivered every three months during the first week of January, April, July, and October.
Q. Can I receive a sample copy before subscribing?
A. Yes, sample copies are available upon request. Please call 508-533-9099 or complete the Sample Request Form.
Q. What distribution restrictions apply to EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION?
A. EMPLOYEE SECURITY CONNECTION is a copyright-protected publication. Subscribers are authorized to distribute/reproduce as many copies as needed, (via e-mail, Intranet, printed copy) at their facility only. Please contact National Security Institute at 508-533-9099 for inquiries re: multiple facility/enterprise-wide licensing arrangements. Posting of Employee Security Connection, or any portion thereof, via the Internet or an extranet is strictly prohibited.