My company has been receiving Security Connection for many years. The content focuses on helping employees understand current risk in the US, World, and tips to identify Insider Threats. The Quartey Issues exceeds the NISPOM compliance requirement and focuses on keeping security in front of the readers. A big plus, it also focusses on security at home and keeping our personal life safe.
I highly recommend adding Security Connection to your security program.
I received this comment from an employee that receives Employee Security Connection:
“I’ve spend four decades complying with government and contractor “click-and-read-to -comply” training that seems to just check somebody’s block. But I must say, for the very first time, I find myself wanting more! The article is concise, broken down into to easily reviewable content that pairs timely news on actual threat incidents giving me some personal ownership and interest in thwarting such attacks. It is presented in an eye-catching format and, most importantly, the article encapsulates a wide range of security threats pervasive in today’s work AND home life. For the first time in four decades, I find myself saying, “I look forward to clicking on next quarter’s content!”