Train Them to be Be NISPOM-Compliant AND Cyber-Secure

Whether Remote or On-Site, It's Critical Everyone In Your Program Hear From You on a Regular Basis
Periodic trainings have their place, but without a consistent outreach the busy people in your program will forget what they’ve heard and become increasingly complacent.
NSI provides two security awareness outreach services for the U.S. defense industry, federal government and military. One is focused on creating awareness around NISPOM security issues. The other is focused on cyber and human behavior security issues. These two services complement one another, and can be licensed separately or as a bundle.
NSI's Outreach Service 1
The Security Connection
The Security Connection is 4x per year, 8-page PDF newsletter focused on training and educating individuals who work with classified materials and data, and therefore must follow NISPOM Rule regulations.
The content of this newsletter is a mix of NISPOM-relevant information and personal/family security information proven to create engagement with your audience. Each issue includes a mix of article types and content intended to train, guide or educate in a concise and friendly manner.
The purpose of The Security Connection is to get people engaged with content that reminds them of their responsibilities, helps them understand threats, reinforces the security training they have received, prepares them for interactions with inspectors, and maintains a growing level of security awareness over time.
Distribute to your audience:
• Email the pdf newsletter
• Post the pdf to your internal website
• Print out copies for briefings, meetings
• Cut and paste content into other communications
NSI's Outreach Service 2
SecuritySense is a monthly PDF newsletter focused on mitigating the human risk component of cybersecurity and information security.
The content of this newsletter is twenty “micro-training” posts/articles designed to be read and understood in under 1 minute. These micro-training posts cover topics that are critical to workplace security and personal/family security, a proven method for creating engagement with your audience.
The purpose of SecuritySense is to drive down the human side of cyber risk by getting people engaged with content that makes them more cyber-savvy over time, teaches them to recognize typical and innovative threat vectors, reminds them of what to do to keep information protected, develops a habit of healthy skepticism, and maintains a growing level of cybersecurity awareness over time.
Distribute to your audience:
• Email the pdf newsletter
• Post the pdf to your internal website
• Print out copies for briefings, meetings
• Cut and paste content into other communications
NsI's complete service
Licensing the quarterly Security Connection and the monthly SecuritySense together delivers a comprehensive, ongoing security awareness outreach campaign that can instantly be deployed. Everyone in your program will hear from you on a monthly basis (cyber and info security threats) and on a quarterly basis (NISPOM-focused issues) with no additional work on your part.
The combination of steady, continuous outreach to everyone in your program, and content covering both NISPOM issues and cyber/info security threats, is a powerful way to create engagement with your security message and foster a positive security culture across the organization.
Security Connection
- Single Facility/Location: The Standard Security Connection license fee is $1,199 which covers one facility for one year. Order now
- Multiple Facilities: Many clients license more than one location. We will work with you to get the best price possible based on your situation. Get a quote
Licensing of SecuritySense is based upon the total number of employees (cleared + uncleared) across all your locations. Get a quote
Bundle: A discount is provided for licensing the complete NSI security awareness outreach service. Get a quote