Protecting Your FCL and Reputation is Critical to Business Survival and Success.
Everything Depends on Having a Security-Engaged Workforce
Sustained employee cooperation, plus the visible support of your SMO is absolutely critical to NISPOM compliance. NSI’s Security Connection is the perfect way to create the security-engagement you need to protect classified information, CUI and all your valuable assets.
Great Newsletter. Information for cleared and uncleared personnel. One employee thanked us for making the information available to them! — Susan Neal, FSO, 3db
This is a great resource for our employees and helps our company meets compliance, is affordable and the topics are worth reading. – Susan Correia, SVP, PURVIS Systems
An ROI that’s easy to substantiate. — Thomas Brown, Dir., Government Security Services, AECOM

What Does It Mean to Create Security Engagement?
Help Your People Understand the “Why” of Security Policy
Creating security engagement means you’ve made a connection with busy people who need to hear good reasons why they should care about security. That’s what The Security Connection does for you.
Demonstrate Your Consistent Approach
Impress Your DCSA Rep
DSCA is looking for evidence of a consistent, proactive approach to creating a security-engaged culture at your facility. The Security Connection helps you do that.
Impress your DCSA rep with a consistent and high quality NISP security awareness campaign that goes out like clockwork at the start of every new quarter. Show them you’re covering not only classified information but also creating awareness around protecting CUI.
Show them you’re helping your facility understand the reality of security threats and reminding them of their responsibilities all throughout the year.
Demonstrate & Document Your Consistent and Proactive Approach
DCSA requires evidence of your consistent and proactive approach to NISP security awareness. NSI recommends the following best practices to create security-engagement with everyone in your program and demonstrate your outreach to DSCA.
- Reach out through more than one channel (document each).
- Email it to everyone in your program; include a short note pointing out some of the headlines you recommend.
- Later on post it to your internal website and send a second email telling them where it is, include a short note.
- Print a certain quantity for other functions to hand out at their all hands meetings.
- Print a certain quantity to hand out at briefings and new hire onboarding.
- Don’t just distribute to cleared personnel, send it everyone at your facility (document this extra outreach for DCSA).
Demonstrate Your Proactive Approach
Get Your SMO Engaged
DCSA is putting more emphasis than ever on the NISPOM requirement to demonstrate SMO support of the security program. The Security Connection helps you do that.
There’s a few different ways you can use the Security Connection to support SMO engagement.
When you have your SMO be the sponsor of your company’s Security Connection it sends a highly visible message of business support for the security program.
He or she also needs the kind of NISP security awareness the Security Connection provides. Your SMO will appreciate the quality of the content and the “scan-ability”.
You can also use the quarterly rhythm of your Security Connection as a great reason to schedule a 30 minute briefing with your SMO.
Demonstrate & Document the SMO/Security Partnership
DCSA requires evidence of the SMO/Security Partnership. NSI recommends the following best practices to create SMO engagement and demonstrate business support for the security program.
- Make your SMO the business sponsor of your facility’s Security Connection.
- Brand it with your logo (easy to do).
- Arrange to have the quarterly Security Connection emailed directly from your SMO, instead of from security (document this approach).
- Supply your SMO with a short “cover note” to be included when SMO sends out your facility’s Security Connection
- Take advantage of the quarterly timing of Security Connection to set a standing 30 minute SMO briefing at start of each new quarter (document these briefings for DCSA).
- Point out one or two articles to your SMO that they should read. You might even print out a hard copy of those articles to leave with your SMO (document this engagement).
I get regular thank-you notes from employees when I send out the NSI Security Connection. Just today I received the following feedback, entirely unsolicited: “I hope most people actually read these newsletters you send out; they are amazingly interesting and insightful.” Besides complementing required NISPOM training elements, the newsletter includes thoughtful information to promote general security awareness, which enhances our overall security posture and culture. I’ve also been asked by employees many times if they can share key tidbits with family and friends, which we do subsequently encourage; you never know when something you or they say, or this newsletter offers, can make a difference in someone’s life. An ROI that’s easy to substantiate. – Thomas Brown, Director of Operations, Government Security Services, AECOM

Security Connection Gets Busy People Security-Engaged

NISPOM Awareness
With an engaging and concise writing style, plus articles that are easy-to-scan, your facility’s Security Connection brings to light the reality of every kind of security threat and provides insight into the “why” of security policy. Keep them up to speed and remind them of their responsibilities all throughout the year.

Illuminate Security Threats Inside & Out
A key requirement of NISPOM is that you educate your people on every kind of security threat to classified information and CUI. Help your people better understand the reality of threats from nation states and other bad actors on the outside, as well as the danger of insider threats.

Illuminate Reality of Security Breaches
“It can’t happen here.” ” I can’t happen to me.” It can seem like an abstraction to most of your colleagues. With every issue of Security Connection, stories of espionage, insider threats and carelessness leading to criminal charges, loss of competitive advantage and valuable information in the hands of our adversaries will open the eyes of everyone in your program.

A Breeze to Read
With professionally written articles utilizing a friendly, helpful tone and easy-to-scan articles of different lengths across 8 pages, this isn’t typical security team messaging. Your Security Connection won’t feel like a chore to read. Our clients consistently tells us they great feedback from the people in their program.

Security Engaged at Home & Work
“What’s in it for me?” That’s the question every busy person at work asks. You can answer it with personally relatable content. In addition to NISPOM content every issue provides education and tips for protecting yourself and your family. As the people in your program engage with personally-relevant security content, their overall mindset will change. People who are security-engaged at home are security-engaged at work.

Busy People Need Help Staying Security-Engaged
Annual trainings and briefings are not enough. Busy people need regular prompting to recall what they’ve been taught and consistent encouragement to stay security-engaged. Your quarterly outreach is a reliable and consistent way to help them stay security-engaged.
Security Connection Increases Your Efficiency & Reach

We Do the Work. You Get the Credit.
When you receive the Security Connection at the start of each new quarter, it’s not necessary to do anything before you send it out. It’s ready to go. However, you do have the easy option of dropping your logo on the masthead to brand it as your facility’s Security Connection.

Easily Insert Your Own Information
It’s not necessary to insert your own content or announcements, but you have the easy option to do so. Adding a page to provide organization-specific information is simple. Provide updates, point out internally relevant issues, get people prepared for inspections, share your contact information and encourage questions.

Increase Engagement By Delivering in Multiple Ways
You’ve got multiple options for distribution. Email the PDF newsletter. Post it to your internal website. Print it out. Print out a specific articles to post or hand out at in-person meetings. Include the latest issue as part of the onboarding process for new employees. You’ll find it’s very easy to get the most “bang for your buck” when subscribe to the Security Connection.