Insider Threat: Former VP Goes Rogue
A former vice president of a Georgia company was recently put behind bars for sabotaging systems using bogus credentials after he was fired.

Analysts said the case serves as an example of the damage a disgruntled insider can wreak on a business—especially if the insider has some technical savvy.
Used bogus account
Christopher Dobbins once worked for Stradis Healthcare, a medical equipment packaging company that facilitates the delivery of PPE, supplies, and surgical kits. After being fired in March 2020, the 41-year-old accessed a secret, fake staff account he had created while still in Stradis’ employ. The ex-employee, described as disgruntled by the FBI, was then able to maintain secret access to the company’s systems, despite his legitimate account being revoked. Dobbins set about disrupting Stradis’ electronic records by creating a secondary user account, editing more than 115,000 records, and deleting more than 2,300 entries.
Major disruption
According to the FBI, the intrusion “disrupted the company’s shipping processes, causing delays in the delivery of much-needed PPEs to healthcare providers” who are trying to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. And Dobbins’ actions did not just cause his former company’s operations to grind to a screeching halt in March; issues continued for months after, as Stradis sought to repair the damage. The FBI’s Atlanta Cyber Task Force was called in. Eventually, Dobbins was arrested. He pleaded guilty to multiple computer intrusion charges.
Dobbins will serve a year and a day behind bars and has been ordered to pay restitution to the tune of $221,200.
© National Security Institute, Inc.
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