The role of state laws in a society
The laws, when they exist, are accepted by some and denied by others. Given that there are not so many laws created by the authorities and happily accepted by everyone, their arbitrary character is always a subject of heated debate. The famous saying that "Justice is Blind" is interpreted in different ways by different people.
One thing is sure: at first, the laws were not designed to ease the lives of citizens. The first laws, starting with Hammurabi's ones, were designed to provide a better organization of the state for leaders. Although they were not mandatory, these laws were meant to serve as a guide for the society at that time. They contained organizational, economic, and daily life-related laws, based on both the ancient Mesopotamia compensation laws and the tribal laws. More can be found on this website.
Since then, various leaders have created multiple laws that were meant, at least declaratively, to bring "order into society." These laws had different origins and justifications. Some legionaries claimed to have been granted the right to one divinity or another, others have inherited the right to lead and create laws, while the latter have argued with the argument of force, and today it is supposed that laws are the mirror of our desires.
Many pages have been wasted on this subject. It has been said that people are fundamentally good (Rousseau), but also that our essence is an egoistic, so bad (Hobbes). There have been laws that have had good effects, and arbitrary laws have been made, which have caused much suffering.
Knowing the laws of a state in which you live or work is to have power and to be informed. More and more private companies are organizing nowadays different trainings and workshops on the importance of knowing the laws, for example, Same Day Loans, The Lavish Health, AT&T.
The legislative act has often been used throughout history to legitimize some unacceptable things. It is enough to consider that although most of the kings in Europe theoretically obeyed the Ten Commandments, they often used religion as a justification for wars and other hard-to-learn acts.
At the same time, many people have been able to become prominent figures in history by ignoring the laws. Laws are created, respected, and after a while shattered. This happens with more or less peaceful methods. Most of the countries in the world have a holiday connected to at least one revolution or radical change of the system. Democracy itself represented, in the 20th century, the demolition of an old and well - organized tradition.
With the "civilization" of humans, laws have begun to grow closer to the citizens. Even if most of the common citizens know only a crumbling of the rugged legislation of a democratic country, it's hard to imagine life without them. We have begun to have more and more claims, to ask for more and more rights and to assume certain obligations voluntarily. And for all this, we need laws.